Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pillow Scream

Pillow scream. Have you ever done it? Until today, I had not. I've heard of women being stressed and needing somewhere to go to release the tension. I think the man version is pounding nails into a stump. Well today I did a mighty strong pillow scream, and to tell you the truth, it actually felt good and helped.

After an afternoon of being on the phone with doctors and electricians and fridge repair men and crack-in-your-wall fixers oh and estimates to fix windows who some little window breakers broke....whoa.... I needed a good scream.

Oh and my little child likes to sit up and play with her toys until she sees me, then she will fall over on her boppy on purpose and says whimper whimper until I pick her up. Ya its funny the first 15 times, then it gets a little less hilarious. So after I hung up the phone and kissed my baby, I had a pillow scream. aaaahhhhh. Then we were able to sing songs, and give hugs and mom felt much better.

Thanks pillow for being multifunctional.


Kristie Taylor said...

oh dont you just love the pillow sometimes? It has come in very handy for me a couple of times too :) But it truely works! And all the perks of having a house.... dont ya love that too? ha ha Eliza just sounds adorable :)

allison said...

I've never tried that, it sounds like a stress-reliever though. I may have to try that out soon enough. Sorry you had one of those days, they're not too fun.

Holly said...

How are you my dear? Seems like forever since we talked! Hope you are well.

The Shields Family said...

I have to admit I have those days sometimes too. Usaully I just go into the other room and do it (without the pillow!) It feels good!