Monday, June 15, 2009

Growing up

We spent some time up at the ranch this weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Roitz. Eliza loves it there because there are so many things to do. Lots of grass and dirt, dogs, cats, cows, and cousins.

Everytime the camera comes out these days it is all cheese. She squints her eyes and opens her mouth. Crazy girl.

Oh yeah, she is walking around now. She still mostly crawls but is walking more and more. She is getting so big!

Eliza's hair has gotten a bit long on top as you can see in the next couple of pictures. I just can't bring myself to cut it though...

I love my little big blue eyes!


Kristy & Miguel said...

She is adorable!

allison said...

oh my gosh alayna she is getting so big and so beautiful! I love the hair and those big blue eyes! I want to see you guys really bad. We are coming home this next weekend, it would be fun to be able to catch up! Rocky's been dying to go to Waterworld too, if you guys have a free weekend, let us know and we can make a fun trip!

Brittany said...

She is getting so big! She is super cute! Glad you got to spend a weekend at the ranch. It looks like so much fun for a little girl.

Holly said...

SHE IS GORGEOUS!! I want to kiss those cheeks! What a doll. Hopefully I will see you soon.

Shane and Beth said...

I had to laugh when I saw Eliza's hair in your pictures:) It reminds me of Kaylee's hair when she was about that age...we would call her "Pebbles." I know how you feel about not wanting to cut her hair! We enjoyed seeing you guys and getting to hang for a bit. Now that she is walking and starting to talk she is going to grow up so quickly so enjoy every last minute of it!

Kristie Taylor said...

WOW!! she is so stinkin cute!!! I LOVE the blue eyes pic!! you have she is growing up so much!!